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"Time For Adventure"

Problem:  One person dies of Melanoma every 52 minutes. Regular daily use of an SPF 15 sunscreen or higher reduces the risk of developing melanoma by 50 percent. But in reality, the majority of us are not wearing sunscreen regularly. And every ethnicity and complexion is at risk. How can we convince people to put on sunscreen before they go outside?

Insight: Puting on sunscreen is an indicator that you are actually going to go outside.  After all, no one puts on sunscreen to lounge around the house.

Solution: Create a social campaign on Facebook and Instagram to position sunscreen as the first step to an outdoor adventure, as a sign to everyone that you're about to do something amazing.

The Work:

Instagram Posts depict incredible outdoor adventures while juxtaposing boring indoor activities in order to bring attention to sunscreen as a catalyst to adventure. 


The campaign's hashtag, #TimeForAdventure conveys how sunscreen is the start of a great story.

An interactive Facebook Gif shuffles dozens of fun outdoor activities.  When the gif is clicked, it lands on an activity for someone to go out and try with the help of a little sunscreen. The results of he game can be shared with friends. 

Possible outcomes include:


  • Travel 3 miles on foot to catch a Pikachu.

  • Pop off the sickest bike wheelie mankind has ever seen.

  • Make bird-watching cool again.

  • Try to outdo the Top Gun volleyball scene.

  • Make getting lost in the woods look easy.

  • Catch a fish, then show it mercy.

  • Finally give LARP’ing a try.

  • Intercept a frisbee in the park just to make new friends.

  • Build a sand kingdom complete with its own political intrigue.

  • See how many kites you can fly at once.

  • Sing songs to the elderly animals at the zoo.

  • Successfully light a campfire with only one match.

  • Conquer your fear of seaweed at the swimming hole.

  • Belt out “Just Around the Riverbend” while paddling a canoe.

  • Master the art of the pogo stick.

  • Rotate all the way around the swing and enter a new dimension.

Animated Gif Facebook Posts use pop-culture references to convey how applying sunscreen is like powering up for an incredible physical feat.


People can then make their own gifs and share them across various social media platforms using the hashtag #TimeForAdventure.

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